What is it?

This Alexa Flash Briefing skill gives you WMATA Metrorail alert summaries as part of your daily Flash Briefing on Alexa devices.

What problem does it solve?

We all need to know more about DC Metro Rail delays.

What was my role in it?

I created this skill, using the WMATA API.

How does it work?

When you ask Alexa for the news or for your “Flash Briefing,” it fetches updates from your chosen news sources. This “Alexa skill” can give you DC Metro alerts as part of your daily news.

Every five minutes, my server requests Metrorail alerts from WMATA’s API and transforms it into an Alexa Flash Briefing update.


I built this for my own use and thought it might be nice to share with others on the Amazon Alexa skill store. As of April 20, 2019, it has 300 unique users per month.

What, where, when

Care and Feeding




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