Black Hills Pioneer: "Combs named artist in residence at Sanford Underground Research Facility"
(February 19, 2025)
Washington Post: "A show of 51 artists shaping the D.C. cultural scene"
(January 22, 2025)
Stamp Gallery Blog: "Securi ex machina, or safe from the machine"
(September 25, 2024)
Stories Beneath the Shell: "‘Digital Landscape’ exhibition at Stamp Gallery explores technology and identity"
(September 24, 2024)
The Diamondback: "‘The Digital Landscape’ exhibit explores the digital, human relationship"
(September 24, 2024)
Stamp Gallery Blog: "Paying With Our Time, and From Our Wallets"
(September 19, 2024)
Hackster: "Chris Combs' Feathery "Gateway" Blinks Out the Arecibo Message — and Is Ready for Public Viewing"
(September 11, 2024)
Hackster: "Reflecting on the Past"
(September 6, 2024)
The American Scholar: "Chris Combs: Surveillance state"
(June 17, 2024)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: How Italian artists’ roots spread beyond their homeland"
(May 5, 2024)
Hackster: "Chris Combs' Take on The Great Wave Is a Splash of Electronic Artwork That Watches You Back"
(April 22, 2024)
Hyperallergic: "The DC Gallery Operating From a Freight Elevator."
(November 27, 2023)
NOT REAL ART: "Chris Combs: Who Suffers and Who Benefits From New Technology? [Interview]"
(September 11, 2023)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: Exhibit pinpoints toxic effects to our health"
(July 21, 2023)
Gazette Leader: "New McLean solo exhibitions showcase variety of styles"
(April 19, 2023)
HillRag: "March 2023 Must See Art Exhibitions!"
(March 14, 2023)
Washington Post: "AU Museum spotlights two of the D.C. art scene’s keenest observers"
(March 14, 2023)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: Using technology as a medium and an inspiration"
(February 10, 2023)
Metro Weekly: "“Sequence: An Art + Technology Exhibition” at Touchstone Gallery"
(February 1, 2023)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: Looming impacts of climate change close to home"
(September 1, 2022)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: Illustrating our broken relationship with Earth"
(June 24, 2022)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: Artists deliver unique perspectives on found objects"
(June 3, 2022)
WPA Auction
(June 3, 2022)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: Intellectually engaging, visually striking and open to interpretation"
(October 8, 2021)
District Fray: "Co-opting Bureaucracy Through Art: Arlington Arts Center’s New Exhibition"
(September 27, 2021)
Adafruit: "7200-Segment Display, Anyone?"
(September 16, 2021)
Tom's Hardware: "Raspberry Pi Powers Art in Seven Segments"
(September 15, 2021)
Hackaday: "What’s Cooler Than A 7-Segment Display? A 7200-Segment Display!"
(September 14, 2021)
Hackster: "This Giant Display Uses 1,152 Seven-Segment Digits to Show Graphics"
(September 3, 2021)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: Exploring the many perspectives of terricide"
(August 13, 2021)
Aesthetica Art Prize: 2021 Shortlist
(August 12, 2021)
Washington City Paper: "Best Bets for July 14–21"
(July 14, 2021)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: Images focus on the future of the planet"
(May 28, 2021)
Metro Weekly: "Georgetown GLOW lights up the neighborhood for spring"
(May 21, 2021)
The Hoya: "Georgetown GLOW Art Brightens Neighborhood Nights"
(April 21, 2021)
Tommy McFly on NBC4: "The Weekend Scene: Georgetown Glow's Spring Light Show"
(April 9, 2021)
WTOP: "Georgetown GLOW lights up city streets with hopeful art"
(April 7, 2021)
The Georgetowner: "Georgetown's Got a Spring GLOW"
(March 7, 2021)
Georgetown BID press release
(March 1, 2021)
Georgetown GLOW 2021 Spring Artists
(March 1, 2021)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: A focus on the intersection of art and movement"
(February 26, 2021)
Hackster.io: "This Surreal Art Installation Lampoons Our Lack of Privacy in the Internet Age"
(January 29, 2021)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: Where nature and technology’s detritus collide"
(January 29, 2021)
The DC Line: "The DC Lineup for this weekend: a cappella, civil rights history and comic relief"
(January 15, 2021)
Washington Post: "In the galleries: Unique and unexpected perspectives on this moment in time"
(October 2, 2020)
Google Arts & Culture
(October 1, 2020)
WPA Auction: "High Frequency"
(July 1, 2020)
WPA Auction: "High Frequency" Catalog Listing
(July 1, 2020)
Hackster.io: "These Scrambled LED Matrices Display Enigmatic Messages"
(January 28, 2020)
Hackaday: "Bask in the Glory of This 336 LED Digit Display"
(January 18, 2020)
Hackster.io: "A 336-Digit 7-Segment Matrix Display"
(January 2, 2020)
DCist: "Sound Scene Returns To The Hirshhorn For A 10th Year Of Art You Can Hear"
(July 7, 2017)